
What is the enrollment process at UKC?

Step 1: Contact our enrolment team at info@umalaskidsclub.com
Step 2: Come for an initial consultation and tour around the school*
Step 3: Book and enjoy a free 2 hour Trial
Step 4: Talk to your child about their time with us

Step5: Choose your starting date and the program
Step6 : Enrol! Email info@umalaskidsclub for a quotation
Step 7: Complete our online registration form.
Step 8: Receive your personalised invoice for the school year (termly or yearly payment options)
Step 9: Make the payment of the invoice
Step 10: Send proof of payment to accounting.
Step 11: Welcome email sent to parents.

*If you are located overseas or unable to come to our school please email us at info@umalaskidsclub.com and discuss the enrolment via email and/or by whatsapp.