
Is the Umalas Kids Club an approved school?

We are proud to have legitimate and complete certifications c

Our school is officially certified and registered by the Indonesian Ministry of Education. As a result, we are fully authorized to offer a comprehensive international curriculum to our students. Our Early Childhood Education and Development programs adhere to the highest standards of quality and meet all the necessary requirements set forth by the Ministry.

Our certifications and licenses serve as a testament to our commitment to providing an exceptional learning experience for every child. Not only does this mean that our programs and facilities have been thoroughly evaluated, but it also ensures that our students receive official school certificates recognized by the Ministry of Education.

We take great pride in being a registered and licensed institution, and we are confident that our certifications demonstrate our dedication to providing the best education possible. So, if you’re looking for a preschool that offers a legitimate and complete curriculum, look no further than our school.

Our licenses and accreditations are grouped under our set PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) – Early Childhood Education and Development.

  1. Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA) – Daycare. NPSN 70036250 *
  2. Kelompok Bermain (KB) – Early learning playgroups. NPSN 70036248 *
  3. Taman Kanak kanak (TK) – Kindergarten. NPSN 70036249 *

* NPSN (Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional)