Welcome to

Chirpy Chick (2 – 3 years)

Welcome to the Chirpy Chick class! Our British Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is designed to foster the holistic development of children aged 2 to 3 years old. Here are the yearly objectives:

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: Children engage in free and guided activities to learn social skills, negotiation, and cooperation. They explore cultural awareness, express emotions, and develop self-respect and empathy while understanding boundaries and routines.

Communication and Language Development: Through storytelling, songs, and circle time activities, children expand their vocabulary, including days of the week and theme-related terms. They learn to express feelings, experiences, and thoughts confidently, communicate with peers and adults, and share information effectively.

Physical Development: Children enhance balancing, coordination, and motor skills through gross motor activities. They learn safe running, steady squatting, confident climbing, and fine motor skills such as using writing tools and dressing independently.

Literacy Development: Utilizing Jolly Phonics, children recognize most letter sounds and their own names. They grasp basic grammar, sentence construction, and trace letters. They build readiness for reading with a wide vocabulary related to unit themes.

Mathematics Development: Children recite and trace numbers up to 10, recognize 2D shapes, and solve simple series. They understand positional concepts, sort objects, identify opposites, and engage in problem-solving activities.

Understanding the World: Children explore their environment through hands-on activities, observation, and investigation. They discover similarities, differences, patterns, and changes, exploring why and how things work. They’re introduced to age-appropriate computer applications for digital literacy.

Expressive Arts and Design: Children explore colours, construct with various resources, and engage in different art forms, from basic cutting and pasting to collages. They discover musical instruments, differentiate sounds, and appreciate melodies. Through narrative plays and expressive activities, they learn to communicate, socialize, and play cooperatively.

These objectives reflect our commitment to providing a stimulating and nurturing environment where children can thrive and grow. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Umalas Kids Club!

Contact us for more information and fees involved in the Chirpy Chick group.

Classroom teacher/student ratio

In line with the latest guidelines from the EYFS Statutory Framework (March 3, 2017), our daycare is committed to creating a warm and nurturing environment where your child’s safety and well-being come first.

Rest assured, our dedicated team ensures that children receive the attention they need, always keeping them within sight and earshot for their security and comfort.

Furthermore, we believe in maximizing learning moments, ensuring they are engaging and tailored to your child’s age and needs. That’s why we carefully maintain specific staff-to-child ratios, ensuring each child receives the support and attention they deserve.